We spend many of our waking hours and adult lives at work. Many factors influence the mental health of employees at the office. Workplace issues including poor communication, management practices, limited participation in decision-making, long or inflexible working hours and lack of team cohesion may cause a significant tumble in the wellbeing of employees at the expense of their mental health. Working environments where rapid, life-saving decisions need to be made, or where staff are frontline workers handling cases of traumatized victims come with their own psychological and emotional challenges.

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Challenging perceptions: Bodaboda are known to be violent and disorganised!

Since 2015, Haki Yetu Organization (Haki Yetu) has been promoting and facilitating the use of the Active Non-Violence (ANV) approach to hold leaders accountable without loss of life and destruction of property. ANV seeks to build friendship and understanding and leads to redemption and reconciliation.

In April 2022, Haki Yetu organization conducted a two-day ANV training for the bodaboda leadership of Nyali Sub-County with the theme #Kataakutumiwa (Swahili for “Refuse to be manipulated”). This was followed by a dialogue between security actors and bodaboda members to overcome common issues and foster mutual understanding which ultimately resulted in local drivers forming a new group called the Kadzandani (a neighbourhood in Nyali) group. This group then conducted community outreaches to make it clear that they are refusing to be manipulated in the future.

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Mombasa housing regeneration. A business solution or a people’s project?

Author: Munira Ali Omar-Program Officer, Land & Urban Development

In 2016, the County Government of Mombasa, through a public-private partnership project dubbed “Urban Renewal and Redevelopment of Old Estates”, sought to demolish old estates of Mombasa in order to build 30,000 apartments as part of its contribution to the Big Four Agenda. 90% of the units would go to the investor and the county would remain with 10% that could be occupied by the tenants of old estates. Read More

Hamasisha citizen action group successfully influencing participatory governance in Kwale county

Community participation is a principal that is enshrined in the Kenyan constitution. Yet many Kenyans do not even know about their right to participate or how they can actually make use of that right. Local public offices have a duty to ensure that decisions regarding the use of public funds are the result of transparent, effective and ethical processes which adhere to the law and stand up to scrutiny by the Kenyan public. Read More

Voter mobilization during the enhanced mass voter registration exercise

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) had launched the Enhanced Continuous Voter Registration exercise, a month-long activity that aimed at registering new voters, on Oct 4 with the goal of registering six million new voters by Nov 2nd. Until 31st August 2021, the commission had registered only 180,938 new voters. Therefore, it was deemed crucial to conduct enhanced mass voter registration in order to attain the target of registering a total of six million new voters.

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Peace grassroots actors prove to be vital in overcoming intergenerational conflicts

According to security reports, Kinango sub-county and especially Kibandaongo village are hotspots when it comes to intergenerational conflicts and killings of elders under the pretext of witchcraft accusations. CPS partner Haki Yetu Organization has been involved in the mediation of similar conflicts in Kenya’s costal region for the last seven years.  This is why the local administration of Kinango sub-county contacted us in 2020 and asked for our assistance.

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Witness protection booths accelerating access to justice in Kilifi.

Aisha Lewa (not her real name) 14 years old a girl from Goshi constituency, Kilifi county was defiled by an uncle living in her family’s home. The ordeal began when she was 12 years old just at the time when the uncle was taken in by her parents for college enrollment. Aisha did not know whom to confide to as the young man was loved and trusted and was part of the family. She lived with the pain for two years until she could not take it anymore and reported the case to her class teacher whom reported the same to the village chief and together filed the report to the Malindi police station.

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Improving service delivery through community scorecard – Mshongoleni Dispensary

The community around Mshongoleni Dispensary, Ganda Ward, in Malindi Sub-County, Kilifi County have contributed to the improvement of service delivery at the health facility through a well-executed community scorecard. The community conducted the scorecard on the health facility after a capacity-building session by Haki Yetu Organization and worked closely with the County Department of Health, Kilifi County to improve service delivery at the facility.

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