Haki Yetu continues to condole with the bereaved and the survivors and loved ones of the Shakahola Massacre.
We have been monitoring the ongoing operations by the security actors. We wish to express our disapproval of the decision by the CS for Interior Kithure Kindiki of transferring officers who failed to provide security and intelligence about the horrendous activities of Mackenzie. Transferring the officers is not good enough and it just transfers negligence to another part of the country.
The security apparatus had numerous opportunities to stop Shakahola killings but ignored the complaints of missing persons and suspicious activities.
We therefore DEMAND:
- The immediate SUSPENSION of all the responsible security agents and a thorough and immediate investigation done on their role and failure to protect innocent lives.
- Restructuring of all village elders, Nyumba Kumi and Sub-County peace committees in Kilifi County.
Dated: 2nd May 2023, Mombasa
Fr. Gabriel Dolan- Executive Director
Marius Kioko – Legal Counsel
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